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LOTO Hero Episode 5 Video - Mr. Binayak Panda (HUB HSE Manager, ABB)

LOTO HEROS are WARRIORS who take it upon themselves to recognise and address internal issues of working safely around hazardous energies. Their aim is not simply to avoid accidents but to motivate and empower people to work safely. They look beyond the obvious and recognise the human element in lockout tagout and isolation safety.

This episode of the LOTO Heroes series by E-Square, features Mr. Binayak Panda, Asst. Vice President - HUB HSE Manager, ABB (India, Middle East, Africa, and South Asia), as an extremely active campaigner against hazardous energies at work.

Through his proactive leadership, he advocates the importance of lockout tagout and today, E-Square declares him as a ‘LOTO HERO’ for his untiring efforts and commitment towards safety.

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