Tata Motors, the flagship automotive company of Tata Steel, recognises safety and health as an integral part of its operations and their senior leaders demonstrate visible commitment through their behaviour.
In this Video, Mr Bipin Sharan, Head of Safety at Tata Motors Jamshedpur, a great believer of People Change management, shares his views on positive isolation and the way they have achieved Zero Harm Culture at Tata Motors. He emphasizes on developing a strong & robust “LOTO SYSTEM” and suggests that sustainable results can be achieved by ‘3H’ alignment - Head, Heart and Hands, as the key is in internalisation of safety and engagement with the employees.
Recognising his individual contributions to keeping workers and workplaces healthy and safe every day, E-Square declares him as a ‘LOTO HERO’.
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From our expert LOTO EngineersHi! I'm Pyush, the Technical Director at E-Square
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