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Enhancing Workplace Safety with Machine-Specific Lockout Tagout Procedures

dateAugust 06, 2024

Everyone is aware of the tremendous dangers associated with industrial machinery. For this reason, the majority of industrial machinery is built with safety features. Machine-related accidents or deaths can result during maintenance and servicing procedures when personnel are subjected to an unregulated release of hazardous energy or during sudden equipment restarts. When machines begin abruptly during maintenance, repair, adjusting, or servicing, employees might become entangled and suffer fractures, crushing traumas, amputations, or death. According to OSHA, failure to control hazardous energy accounts for over 10% of significant incidents across various sectors. Lockout Tagout procedures, covered by OSHA CFR 1910.147, protect maintenance workers from dangers associated with the release of hazardous energy.

Even though many businesses have adopted Lockout Tagout programs in their workplaces, one frequently neglected aspect of these programs is the creation of specific Lockout Tagout procedures for each piece of machinery and equipment in the workplace. A generic LOTO process for all your machines may not be as effective as having an equipment-specific procedure. It is necessary to identify and locate all hazardous energy sources present in your machine and implement procedures specific to that machine to ensure maximum protection.

What is Machine Specific Procedures (MSP) / Energy Control Procedure (ECP)?

The full form of MSP is Machine Specific Procedures. MSP refers to the systematic steps involved while conducting the Lockout Tagout procedure on a specific machine. A BLR report cautions companies against using common procedures without considering the specifications of a machine. Machine specific procedures are customised energy control steps which isolate all energy sources present in that machine, safeguarding workers from unexpected energization.

A practical LOTO program surveys the machine or equipment, identifying all risks associated with the maintenance process and states the correct process to isolate, de-energize, and restore the machine safely. The LOTO strategy with a step-by-step guide for shutting down and restarting the equipment has been proven to be an effective way to keep facilities safe.

Why should you use Machine Specific Procedures (MSP)?

A generic Lockout Tagout safety process may work for some machines but could overlook distinctive and critical energy controls or energy sources in unique or different machines. Equipment-specific processes keep in mind all power sources and restrain sudden spikes of energy.

Unique power sources

In a facility, every machine has its own unique energy source. For instance, some machines would simply be plugged into a regular power outlet, while others will have their own dedicated power sources. A machine or equipment may also have multiple energy sources or stored energy, all of which need to be dissipated and locked out. A good Lockout Tagout method will specify the type of energy each machine utilizes, where it is placed, and how each machine should be correctly locked out and tagged out to ensure everyone's safety.

More efficient LOTO procedures

Accurate, easy-to-follow procedures not only save increased expenditure but also help in preventing accidents and injuries to workers and damage to machinery. A machine-specific Lockout/Tagout approach will ensure that all potentially dangerous energy is tackled and that you're not wasting time and effort by ineffectively locking and tagging out a machine. Workers can proceed swiftly through the list of steps which acts as a checklist without misinterpretation or mistakes.

Varied hazard levels

Although ANSI Z244 states that "where LOTO is not employed, the alternative measures should have processes created and documented," OSHA currently does not require written procedures for minor servicing. When conducting routine duties in places that do not pose a safety risk, Lockout Tagout is not necessary. The LOTO program, which is unique to each machine, will notify everyone when it is required to disconnect and lock energy sources before entering them.

Unique machine requirements

Every machine should have a specific energy control procedure, which not only makes things clearer but also ensures that every worker can view the Lockout sequence for every piece of equipment. Machines may have unique isolating sources and utilize different Lockout devices of Lockout and Tagout procedures. Specialized procedures reduce unexpected accidents and extend the life of the equipment. An easy-to-follow visual technique that is standardized increases the probability that the process will be used.

E-Square’s Machine Specific Procedures (MSP)

Machine Specific Procedures are an important aspect of ensuring Lockout Tagout safety in all industries. Our offline surveys are conducted by LOTO professionals who analyze your facility and suggest well-documented Lockout Tagout procedures and devices to safeguard your workers. Or you can upload images of your machines and energy sources directly onto our LOTO MSP Software and reap its benefits from wherever you are. Our expert surveys and LOTO MSP website make it easier for you to create your own personalized procedure with the help of experienced engineers and advanced technology.

E-Square Compliance and Education Division
About the Author

E-Square Compliance and Education Division

A team of safety professionals and educators united to enhance workplace safety with essential Lockout Tagout knowledge. We offer expertise to foster safety compliance and effective LOTO protocols across industries.

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