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5 Ways to Improve Lockout Tagout Program


LOTO is intended to provide effective safety in the modern industrial workplace. It saves lives by protecting workers from hazardous energy, and it reduces downtime by streamlining and standardizing work processes. You can help prevent workplace injuries and fatalities with an effective LOTO Program. Instituting a LOTO procedure can be a daunting task, but with a careful step-by-step approach, you can develop a procedure that will work for your facility and protect your workers. Here's a deep dive into five pivotal strategies to optimize your LOTO program.

1. Always Have Up To Date Machine Specific Procedures (MSP/ECP)

While performing LOTO, risks are high as multiple energies are involved. Skipping even one step while performing Lockout Tagout can lead to massive accident. Machine Specific Lockout Tagout procedures are an integral part of any Energy control program that protects an employee from any mishappenings.

Therefore, to improve our Lockout Tagout program, it is essential to perform isolation according to the drafted machine specific procedures which need to be updated as & when required.

2. Always Isolate All Types Of Hazardous Energy Sources

It is essential to always identify all types of Hazardous energy sources before performing service and maintenance. Many a time workers make mistake of not verifying whether they have isolated all the energy sources and whether the machine is in the de-energized state. Also, identify and make sure that you disconnect the right energy source of the right machine and verify de-energized State before undertaking maintenance or servicing.

3. Always Procure Quality Lockout Tagout Devices, Prescribed By A LOTO Expert

Industries fail to understand the importance of Lockout Tagout, they buy few local and look-alike products from local vendors just to meet the compliances, and audit formalities. When multiple energies are present, different devices are applicable to isolate different energies. One can seek professional guidance for the procurement of right Lockout devices, the procedures for the implementation, Installation of devices and program documentation etc.

Seek guidance of LOTO experts who have the experience of visiting thousands of sites.

4. Always Verify The Lockout Before Servicing & Maintenance

Once all primary and secondary sources of energies are disconnected, it is important to verify that the equipment has been successfully locked out or not, also check that it does not re-energizes. Before starting to service, verify that nobody is in a position to get hurt. This is one of the most essential step of Lockout Tagout procedure. Therefore it is also known as Lockout Tagout Tryout or Lockout Tagout Verify. (LOTOTO or LTV)

5. Always Review Your Program Periodically

A good lockout tagout program revolves around employee safety and workplace productivity, while complying with all applicable legal requirements, as per OSHA. To ensure that energy control measures are adequate and being properly and consistently applied, a Lockout Tagout program must be reviewed periodically. Besides meeting the OSHA requirements, annual audits help companies insure that, they have the up-to-date and accurate devices and procedures that allow employees of the companies to safely de-energize equipment using the appropriate steps of disconnects.

At its core, a Lockout Tagout program is an organization's pledge to its employees - a commitment to their safety and well-being. By adhering to these five foundational strategies, businesses can not only create a safe work environment but also cultivate a culture where safety is integral, not incidental. Remember, in the sphere of workplace safety, excellence isn't an endpoint but an ongoing journey. Make your LOTO program the beacon that guides this journey.

About the Author

A team of safety professionals and educators united to enhance workplace safety with essential Lockout Tagout knowledge. We offer expertise to foster safety compliance and effective LOTO protocols across industries.

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